Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey Question with Examples [2020]
Learn about the Net Promoter Score and its importance to drive customer loyalty.
Net Promoter Score survey is not just a metric but an indicator of brand success and has a direct relation with Customer Experience (CX). How to Improve net promoter score using Net Promoter Score Analysis Software or Net promoter score software can simply help businesses to analyze customer insights and drive the growth of an organization by driving customer loyalty.
In a recent report by Forrester on the Customer Experience Index Ranking. It has been indicated that how an experience makes customers feel has a bigger influence on their loyalty towards a brand than effectiveness or ease in nearly every industry.
Conducting an NPS survey and by calculate Net promoter Score at multiple channels or touchpoints throughout the customer journey can effectively improve the experience.
What is a Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey?
A net promoter score (NPS) survey is defined as a single question that asks respondents on their likelihood of recommending the company or brand to friends or family, on a rating scale.
The goal of the NPS survey is to gauge and analyze customer loyalty (Detractors, promoters and passive) and associated brand recommendations from these customers.
So, what is the net promoter score survey question?
The NPS survey questions are as follows (with minor variation):
Question No 1: Given your complete experience with our company, how likely are you to recommend us to a family or friend?
Answer options: 0-10 scale, 0 beings ‘least likely’ and 10 being ‘most likely’ option.
Question N0 2: What we did to get this rating?
Question No 3: Tell us the ONE THING we could do to get your higher rating?
How is the Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey carried out?
NPS survey is carried out using NPS software with AI capability that can not just ask the questions, but also help you collect responses and analyze these results. The surveys are typically distributed using customer emails (built into the software as a distribution tool) and if you have a physical location, a kiosk-based NPS survey software can do wonders for your response rates.
While social media is also occasionally used for NPS survey response collection, it is usually within a community or group of users, to avoid inclusion of unqualified responses.
In the case of older demographics (65+), it is a good practice to have the kiosk and SMS response options, since your audience may not be tech-savvy. Based on demographics, the goal should be to make it as easy as possible to respondents to:
- Take note of the fact that there is a feedback survey question.
- To answer it.
Since NPS is a single question survey, B is less of a challenge compared to A.
Applications of NPS survey question in business intelligence with examples
While the net promoter score question itself is as old as 2003, the rise in data analysis and machine learning are quickly scaling up the applications of NPS as a key business indicator of customer success.
Here are some of the key areas of application for NPS survey question and resultant business analysis:
1. Measuring customer success by geographical locations
If a business owns stores/outlets across various geographies,
it is key to understand customer satisfaction across these teams to monitor business success as well as the customer-facing team’s success.
The survey data can be captured using physical kiosks (in case of outlets where customers can walk-in), and customer email addresses.
2. Measuring customer success by internal teams
Your customer-facing teams have one common goal – to ensure customer satisfaction,
which in turn leads to customer recommendations, retention, upsell to a higher license/product and increased inflow of organic leads.
3. Measuring e-commerce success by market
Ecommerce markets are far more geographically flexible that brick-and-mortar stores.
Furthermore, they invest heavily in customer success, given that they are still emerging companies and are building on customer trust,
all the while spending less on above-the-line marketing like broadcast radio and TV.
For them, NPS is not just a metric is the most important success factor.
Measuring NPS scores across delivery locations using an integrated and regressive Net Promoter Score Software helps gauge the success of the delivery agents as well as the overall business as it pertains to various market segments (as per priorities of the tech business).